
Wire Fair Düsseldorf 2024 – EKOMOR´s active market presence

EKOMOR participated again in the most important world trade fair of our industry – wire & Tube Düsseldorf 2024. We have noticed an increased interest from the side of our potential customers – especially Asian ones – India is obviously playing a leading role. The fair brought an opportunity for personal meetings and presentations, which are still the most powerful marketing tool.

R&D – new project INNOPICK – development of the technology for the denitrification of the waste water from pickling lines

In this year our R&D team starts to work on the project of the development of the innovative technology for the denitrification of the waste water arising from the pickling of the stainless steel. This project is supported and partly financed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR). The aim of the project is to develop the new technology and equipment for the cleaning of the waste water containing high volume of the nitrates. The new innovative equipment will be based on the advanced biotechnological methods, and will be equipped by high automation enabling to be connected on-line for monitoring and remote management.

The R&D team is composed from the EKOMOR´s technicians plus experts from two renowned research centers – ORLEN UniCRE in Usti nad Labem, and Institute for nanomaterials, advanced technologies and innovation in Technical University in Liberec. The project is planned for 4 years, the new innovative equipment will be marketed over the world.